Sunday, December 18, 2022

Happy Advent Sunday


I have been working on my last blocks for the Raspberry Tea Quilt, design Sue Daley. 
I can not remember which year I started, but I know it has taken a long time - to long time!

My plan is to finish this quilt, quilting and all, before 1. May 2023. Just because 💖

Sending it out to be machine quilted is not in my budget. I plan to machine quilt it in sections, starting right after Christmas 😃

The blue quilt is also coming together, having 3 of 4 borders appliqued on. 

We have been down with a nasty cold here, but now we are ticking off Christmas duties. Cleaning just enough, baking just enough, enjoying the season, and looking forward to spend time with family 💖

Wishing you a wonderful Advent Sunday too 💕



  1. Raspberry Tea is so pretty, have a Happy Christmas with your family!

  2. that is a nice looking quilt and I love the name for it. Hope your colds go away quickly and enjoy Christmas

  3. Beautiful progress. I hope you have recovered from your cold.

  4. Both projects are lovely. Merry Christmas.


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