Saturday, December 30, 2023

Chookshed Stitchers 2024 Challenge


I am in 💓

It is always fun and inspirational to spend time with the Chookshed Stitchers!

I find that I have 3-4 projects with a very set deadline over the next 3 month, so they will be my priority.
Going through Ufos and other Want-To-Do projects I found that I have 13 projects on my "shortlist". I know it is supposed to be 10 projects..... but...... and...... but .......
Yes, I am my usual creative mess again (finally) 🙈

January deadline:

#1 Secret Project - I will share more about it during January 

February deadline

#2 Care Quilt Top - for my charity quilt group that is gathering in February
I know what fabrics to use and what pattern to make. I just have to start and get it going ( and keep the momentum)

March deadline

#3 A top shelf shopping bag - plastic bags are out

I was sick and on antibiotics for weeks after coming home from USA end of November this year.
That messed up all my before Chrismas plans. I need to catch up, in good company 

#4 - the elephant in my sewing room project - do you have one of those too?

This is the Raspberry Tea Quilt, design Sue Daley.
I preordered the book and the fabrics - I see the book is from 2014, so I started the quilt in late 2014 or early 2015. I have had it up and worked on it every now and then, but not for a long long time now. 
Since having it sent out for machine quilting is not on my plan for 2024, I will quilt it myself, in sections. How to eat an elephant, you may wonder? One serving at a time!
If you have an elephant in your sewing room too, maybe you will join me for a finish?

#5 Hexagon quilt, hand pieced 

I started this project with 2 dear friends in USA in October / November 2023
It is a happy project, with fabrics I do not usually use. We shopped a gazillion shops, buying about 135 fat quarters or quarter yard cuts to share between us, my friend Deb and I.
My 2 friends do English Paper Piecing, I do traditional  hand piecing. 
Our inspiration is Secret Garden Hexie Quilt, by Tales of Cloth. You can find her quilt and more about her on Instagram.


More projects will be posted tomorrow. 
I will try not to be to unruly, and post only 5 more 😁
I do enjoy having my sewing mojo back after a long time with life getting in the way!

Visit  Deana for more info if you will like to participate in this challenge too. 



  1. I have two quilts I started years ago and really do not know if I will ever finish them, I lost interest in them. Happy New Year

  2. I LOVE your raspberry tea quilt, the blocks are so beautiful! My hexie quilt is definitely not going to contain 135 fat quarters. I'm using all Tula fabrics in my quilt. I'm so sorry you were sick when you got home from retreat, there were too many people there! I'm glad you are well now and ready to stitch!

  3. I like the way you labeled your monthly deadlines to cater to your needs while still participating in the challenge in a way that works best for you. I am glad I got to see your Hexagon Quilt pieces on Zoom.
    P.S. Raspberry Tea is going to be a stunner.


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Your lovely comments are very much appreciated.
Wishing you a wonderful day, wherever you are!