Friday, March 02, 2007

New month

A new month is like a blank paper, ready for me to fill, with colours and shapes.
A new month is like a fresh beginning, and I really like that feeling :-)
The days are getting longer and we now have more daylight day by day, even if we still have a lot of snow. The light bear tidings of spring - a good tiding after the long dark winter.

February passed without much sewing. I have earned my black belt in R&R, and it is good to have time to rest too. I am healing well and I do my physical exercises every day.

I finished one thing - the stitchery pillow, and added 6 NI blocks to my name. I also did hand quilting on the Watermelon quilt, so all in all a fairly productive month after all. I did not start anything new.

The gastro surgeon did a lot of lovely stitching on my body, internal and external, and he is welcome to join my quilt guild any time.
He can also have my February stitching points, don't you think? ;-)

I have a friend and co-quilter working as a surgical nurse and she asked if she could show the surgeon what I wrote about him in a mail to her, and I told her she could, as I am sure he will be happy I am happy. He is a very pleasant man as well as a top surgeon.

February passed without me buying any fabrics, and I am polishing my halo :-)

My plans for March are to keep on making Nearly Insane blocks. As you see I have already made 2.
I will also keep on doing hand quilting and maybe start a new scrap quilt for teaching in the autumn. I am really looking forward to teach again and I have been working in EQ6 with some new ideas.
They looks good so far, but I need to do some test blocks.
I also have room for some stitchery.

No lifting of more than 1 kg (2lbs) for the duration of March, so I will not lift my fabric boxes yet and will work in small steps, with what I have here at my desk.
My main focus will be to keep on keeping on healing and building muscles, as well as getting back in shape under the close supervision of my physiotherapist.
I still need to do a lot of R&R too.


  1. Those NI blocks look like a lot of fun, Hanne. I amy have to break mine out of hiding. I am glad you are taking good care of yourself! hugs..

  2. Anonymous12:14 am

    Good plans, Hanne ! I'm so happy, reading you. I can really feel you going better and better. You know what they say : "Chi va piano, va sano!".
    Yes spring is showing with more light, and in accordance with the season, you're slowly growing like a spring flower : still fragile, but stronger every day!

    Your NI quilt is going to be something, you know : it's sooo beautiful, and in such a good two-colors scheme !

    Can't wait seeing your plans for your scrap quilt lessons, next Autumn...

    Biiig ((hugs)) and smiles !

  3. How big are your NI blocks? Do you make them by hand or machine piecing?

    I agree with you about a new month being a fresh beginnings. We get 12 new beginnings a year.

    Good thoughts coming your way for continued recovery and healing.

  4. Those little blocks look like cookies - just delightful.

    Maybe you could tell the rest of us (who are too chicken to try the little blocks) some of your 'tricks' in making these? I just cannot keep making huge quilts and should try something smaller.

    Keep getting stronger, and yes, spring has to come soon.

  5. I'm glad to hear that your recovery is continuing so well, take your time and heal completely before lifting any fabric boxes- they'll still be waiting for you when your ready.

  6. Anonymous6:02 pm

    hanne, i am so happy for you in your progress. fragile but oh so strong. love your n.i. blocks - and your stitcheries. enjoy the daylight. soon you will be back stronger than ever. hugs, patti in florida

  7. You're so sensible to take it easy. There's plenty to work on like your lovely DJ blocks that don't require you to push yourself.

  8. You sound better each time you check in.

    I am looking forward to seeing the design for your scrap quilt for your class. Scrap quilts are my favorite......

    How wonderful to have spring so close at hand.

  9. It's autumn over here in Australia, and I'm looking forward to cooler days and being able to do lots more sewing.It's far too hot for handwork in the summer here, so I've missed curling up with my piecing. We can both enjoy the softer seasons of the year now, and hopefully you'll get lots done as you get stronger.

  10. I am happy that you are better... The beautiful season, will be you of help in this.
    I love your new project!!!Hugs :)))

  11. I really look forward to see all this red and white blocks putted together - how many do you have now?


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