Monday, December 17, 2007

Counting down to Christmas

The winter light is very special around here.
The sun barely rests on the neighbours roof for a few hours before the darkness returns around 3 pm.
Just now the nature is decorated with frost - it is beautiful!

I am about done with all the Christmas gifts and today has been a me-day sewing wise.
I finished block # 6 on Leanne's House. It has been nearly done for a long time. As you see, row 2 are joined now.
The last 3 blocks are pieced and ready for stitchery :-)

Today DD2 and I baked Julemanna - recipe from Wenche. We made a half batch and filled 2 boxes.
We have already nibbled a few - these are really yummy!

A finish, a finish :-)
I have enjoyed this little redwork for about a week. It is so cute.
After Christmas I will make a cushion from it.


  1. Anonymous9:14 pm

    So magic, all frosted,
    So beautiful, all stitched,
    So yummy, all baked,
    So cute, all in red !...

    THANKS, Hanne !


  2. å så søte bamsa da! Flotte stoffer også, det tredje nederste måtte jeg bare kjøpe en meter av her for ett par uker siden.

  3. Bamsene var bare supersøte! Du fikk satt tankene i sving om neste års julegaver, ja... men det er jo godt å være tidlig ute!

  4. Så fine bamser!! Tror det var dem jeg så sist onsdag kveld......Har plutselig fått en del ting som får bli neste års julegaver jeg også. God jule-innspurt,

  5. Beautiful work!! and the cookies look delish...


  6. You and May are doing such wonderful stitchery projects! I am getting Leanne's Quilters Journey as a BOM - I've received 3 installments already but haven't had a moment to start it!

    What a pretty picture of your world with all the frost. I thought it was snow until I read the post.

  7. Skjønner godt at julemannaene forsvinner jeg.... ;)

    Gøy å møtes med hver vår blogg.

    Men siden jeg har worpress, så blir visst ikke signaturen min koblet til bloggen min.

  8. Anonymous5:20 pm

    Beautiful quilt!

  9. Nå har jeg oppdatert profil i blogger, så det er lenke til bloggen min i profilen ihvertfall.

    Data er underlig greier. Takk for hyggelig julekort!
    Klem! Lene

  10. Hello! I found your blog from a google search and had to stop by to let you know how lovely your quilting is!

    I'm not a quilter (yet) but I am trying to teach myself and have started Leanne's House BOM. I'm a bit rubbish at it actually but I'm loving every second of it so far. Seeing how lovely your is, is inspiring me to keep at it. I am soooo impressed by anyone who can quilt and yours are so lovely.

    I've bookmarked you so I can come back to admire your fab things.

    Thanks for sharing :)


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