Saturday, December 06, 2008

Puzzle in the morning......

This is my challenge to myself through December -
puzzle and prep all the blocks for Butterfly Garden.
I am getting these as kits from Honeysuckle Cottage.

First - to see if I have all the fabrics I need in the kits - I have received 7 blocks of 9, so if I am short of anything I feel I have limited time to get what I need.

Second - to have a good grab-and-go project through the winter :-)
Each of the 9 units in a block is good for carrying around.

My An Angels Story quilt is on hold until my arms can handle a lot of cutting and sewing of long seams.


  1. This is a very good idea...
    I haveto learn how to be more organized..and this I might prepare...;o)....
    And I loved your Advent goodies ...and Hanne tomorrow its Sunday... ;o)

  2. Saa systematisk du gaar til verks, jeg bare gyver loes... Men holder paa med blokk 6 og koser meg fortsatt med Butterfly Garden, saa greit at man kan kombinere tid foran symaskinen, med haandarbeid i sofan eller paa farta. Gleder meg til aa se din Butterfly Garden etterhvert som den skrider fram.


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