Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Saturday day trip


On Saturday DH and I went to Hvaler, a 2 hours drive south from where we live, to visit DH’s aunt.
Hvaler is a cluster of small islands, now connected to the main land by bridges and an underwater tunnel.

This is DH’s summer paradise - the house where his mother grew up and his aunt is now spending the summer months.

This is an old farm that has been in the family at least 4 generations.


Here you see a corner of the barn, where the outhouse also is situated.


We got wonderful food - here DH is carrying warm bread rolls and fresh coffee.

The property is filled with lovely flowers - DH’s aunt has green fingers indeed !


The air was filled with the lovely scent of jasmine - reminds me of my young years and my favourite soap from back then.


The old house, the barn, the flowers, the sun and the lovely day - beautiful.


Not to forget - stitching in the sun !
Never leave home without some handwork  in the tote :-)




  1. Love your blog.....and hearing about everyday life, too. Your get-away at the "paradise farm" looks so enjoyable and relaxing! How wonderful that you have this in your family. Happy Summer!

  2. Så herlig - ja en slik plass i solen skulle man hatt tilgang på.


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