Sunday, October 25, 2009

Breeding cows


You know I am a city girl, right ?
Breeding cows are not one of my natural qualities ;-)

During summer I promised a wine cow to my DBIL (dear brother in law) for his birthday. I know you have a saying in America about waiting until the cows come home, and that is a fairly long time, isn’t it ?
DBIL has now waited patiently since the end of July, and it was time to call the cows  home :-)


Yesterday it snowed and even the most stubborn cow would not like it outdoors anymore. The days are dull and the there is not that much daylight on a rainy day either. It is burning candles through the day light, if you know what I mean.

Well – since DH and I are invited for a birthday upcoming Saturday I aimed for 2 cows, and got at it yesterday.
I can not help myself from making a few improvements as I go – that takes time, and when I used spray glue instead of spray starch that also took some time to redo ;-)

You can now see how the udders covers the wine bag tap :-)

One cow with inserted wine bag, one cow without. The sign says Health in every drop!

Even the cat is bored in this weather. Here she found her favourite button again. To bad it is sewn on to my sewing bag. The sewing bag is quite wet after the cat treatment.


I think she is thinking naughty thoughts, like what to catch next. Me or the pins ? The pins are no success…. ;-)

My desk is messy, so I better do some tidy up before moving on here in the sewing corner.



  1. The two cows are soooooooo cute :)
    You have to make furball her own quilt with those buttons. I once had a cat loving special wooden buttons too.

  2. Kuene ser passe avslappet ut og det er vel hva man kan bli av disse dråpene med god helse i :-) Flotte.

  3. Kuule kyr du har laga :o)Diggbare ja!
    Bare helt nydelig den pusen, ingen tvil om at den har det godt :o)
    Jeg har litt dårlig samvittighet for at jeg ikke har sydd eget teppe til vår katt, Fabian... Tenkte det kunne være et ok prosjekt å få hjelp av guttene til, så vi får se ;o) Det vises iallefall på kattehårene hvor han liker best å sove, og stoff-boksene her i gården er ikke kattehår-frie kan man si... *smil*

  4. Hej Hanne,
    Those cows are so cute and funny. To looking them makes me smile and it feels so good;))

  5. Å kor søte dei kuene var - og du fikk vel litt dose fra bestemor og bestefar :-)
    Hadde ein gang store planer om å sy ei slik ku ein gang eg og - men det blei med planene :/
    og heldige du som har dine kuer inne - eg mangla ei ute - og den er vel desverre tapt
    Smil til ei ny veke - monika

  6. Ei slik ku kunne eg tenkje meg! Har faktisk tenkt på det lenge, men mønsteret har vore vekke frå butikkane, har berre sett høner. Til vin må ein ha ku og ikkje høne...Sikkert mykje arbeid på desse, men fine blei dei! Her i vest har vi flott ver for tida, håper det vare til du kjem om eit par veker!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Flotte kyr du har laga -og det var vel ikke så lurt å forveksle stivelse og lim nei.

  9. Love that kitty cat!

  10. Funny and cute cows :D

  11. Cute cows and cat. Your post has certainly brought a smile to my face.

  12. Soooo cute these cows! I think your DBIL has appreciated!


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