Saturday, December 19, 2009

Treasures going to the box


As said before, stitchery is the most relaxing work I can think of, and I enjoy at least 1 thread of stitchery as good as daily :-)

I had plans about making more gifts than I have done, or rather, other gifts than I have done, but the best laid plans and all that…..
I have not been as sewing machine compatible this autumn as I was planning and hoping for.

Anyway - these stitcheries are now going to my treasure box for other occasions.

Maybe this is a good start on next year's gifts - you never know :-)



  1. Heisan - det var mange fine stithc. bilder ;-)

    vilken mønster er det med dei runde på mon tro ?

    Eg har kosa med med nål og tråd kvar dag i advents tiden - prøver å senke skuldrene og finne litt ro.

    Har med meg overalt eit lite stitheri bilde - og er snar til å finne fram nåla der det byr seg
    Ha ein fine dag - klemma

  2. You are right, they are relaxing. Yours are quite lovely.

  3. Very pretty! I have a hard time picking my favorite! Thy are all so nice.

  4. Nydelige stichry som heilt sikkert kjem til nytte ein dag. God helg Jofrid

  5. Anonymous5:30 pm

    So cute ! ;>)
    Stitchery is a double pleasure : for the maker, and for the receiver. (as well as quilts, of course)

  6. Flotte stitcherymotiv. Kjekt å ha på lur til en sminkepung, toalettveske, grytekluter osv. Ønsker deg ei flott tid videre mot jul.

  7. Really love those stitcheries. Can you tell me who they are by and where I can get the pattern from, please. Helen

  8. Så lekre stitcherier. Likte spesielt godt de musene, hvor kommer mønsteret fra?


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