Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A finish and more focus on focusing :-)

secret 2
The secret project is done and ready to be mailed off.
I will let you know what it is in the end of March :-)

Then to focus on focus projects again!

From the 4 projects I have been working on so far in January only 1 is not done - if you do not count the DJ top I have just delivered to Merete for machine quilting today.


Here are my focus projects this week:

1. The DJ tote
2. A red and white tote - I need it just in finished parts by Friday
3. My miniature Log Cabin top - I need to finish the top this week.
4. Svennebrevet blocks - just for fun :-)


1 comment:

  1. Det er lenge å vente..... vet jo at det er noe veldig fint :o)

    Lykke til med fokus prosjektene dine.
    Herlige bilder av pusen din, hun er nydelig :o)


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