Friday, November 26, 2010

More baking covers - and a challenge / give away.


All good things do not always come to an end :-)
May Britt, Bente and myself are having a Start of Advent weekend together.
We are all stitching on baking covers, and we are having a great time!
Above is mine, from Northern Quilts, in variegated blue Cosmo thread.


Next is Bente's gingerbread men, embroidered with 2 colours of brown DMC floss.


This is May Britt's baking cover, partly hidden in her new Christmas box - the same design as the one I am doing.


Bente brought this lovely vintage baking cover for us to admire.
She has got it as a gift many years ago from a lady she knew, Mrs. Monsen - see the beautiful monogram. The baking cover  is now more than 70 years old.

A challenge for you, if you like to have it:

Make a blog post about your baking cover(s).
If you are so inclined, please tell a good memory about baking too :-)

May Britt and I have 3 baking cover patterns from Northern Quilts, sponsored by Wenche at Northern quilts,  that you may win. They are in Norwegian, and with Norwegian text on the stitchery, but you can easily change the text to your own language and/or stitch the baking goods only.

Let us know in our comment sections about your blog post and we will visit your blog.
The challenge ends at Wednesday December 1st., at 6 pm Norwegian time,  which is noon New York  time.

We will draw the prices in the evening on Wednesday.

Have fun :-)



  1. Wish you all a great weekend.

  2. Hi Hanne! I really like the idea of "baking cloth" and I will make one even if I don't win your givea way. Please see my blog about my bread making:))

  3. I have written on May's blog, that as an Australian, I am only guessing at the use of a baking cover. I would suspect it is to cover dough rising...but maybe to wrap around fresh hot scones out of the oven.
    I could imagine one lined with those colored cloths you wash with, would be very useful to put over a roast to rest it, after cooking and the extra cloth would both keep it warmer and take up the meat marks so as not to spoil the top baking cloth. I hope my guesses are somewhere close.
    I have a scone container made of two round circles and one is sewn down some lines to the centre of the other to make pockets. My descriptive powers are weak today.
    I had a look at the site and translated it. The bags are nice also.

  4. Hi Hanne! I don't have a blog--but I do ready yours and May's every morning--from New Orleans, Lousiana, USA. You inspired me to do a Nearly Insane quilt too--I'm trying to do it in the original color scheme--but like you I love redwork and red/white. I hope you enter me in your drawing. I would love to make a special baking cover! I love to bake and make cinnamon rolls or stollen each holiday! What a special cover!

  5. Love your baking cloths. What kind of cloths do you use for the cloth part. hmmm I feel a cloth making urge. Lovely.

  6. Jeg er med! Har blogga litt, og håper på gevinst ja. Har forresten aldri hørt den regla før.

  7. I have just posted about Finnish baking. My mother, who is from Finland, never used a baking cloth. She just used a tea towel to cover her baking. I recently purchased a piece of linen and plan on making a baking cloth. Thanks for the idea. I have not yet started baking for Christmas because I am busy sewing. I did a baking bread post previously and didn't want to repeat it.


Thank you for visiting my blog :-)
Your lovely comments are very much appreciated.
Wishing you a wonderful day, wherever you are!