Saturday, July 28, 2012

I am stitching Red Home :-)

P1060780Yes I am, and I am having so much fun :-)

Natalie Bird generously made this button for us, and you are free to use it too.

Layout 1I have a progress plan which also includes my other on-going projects.
I will do these blocks in random order, aka bingo style - which is the my favourite way to do quilts.

I have been so out of the swing of things the last couple of days.
I am allergic to peanuts, and sometimes I hit the wall, even with the best taken precautions.
Who would believe that peanut oil could be a part of noodle manufacturing ?
No more shop bought quick noodles for me!
I wish all manufacturers of food could mark their goods properly…….




  1. Stay away from peanuts!!!

    Lovely block you have made. Now we are on the roll with Red Home :)

  2. Den boka bare må jeg bare ha! Takk for tipset. Ha ei fin helg,Hanne.

  3. OOOhhhhh hope you're feeling better soon,allergies can be a hard thing to control when outside sources don't label stuff accurately.I hope you've gone back to the place you bought tthe noodles from and given them what for!! :) Barb.

  4. I so agree! In every country. Right now I am so anxious for properly regulated gluten-free labeling. I feel your pain. Hope it doesn't happen again anytime soon!

  5. Your Red Home block looks lovely Hanne! Hope you are feeling better now ... take care xx

  6. It does make it difficult for ones with allergies if they are not labelled properly.
    Red Home is a beautiful quilt...I am going to enjoy watching your progress!

  7. So sorry about the allergy Hanne. I have the same with celery. All too often they say "with spices" or "with flavourings" which tell you nothing! Yes there does need to be honest labeling.

    Lovely block! Good luck.

  8. Dette er ser spennende ut. Gleder meg til å se mer.....

  9. Gorgeous stitching !!!
    I hope you are better now !!

  10. Hope your feeling better soon. Love your heart block!!

  11. I hope you feel better.
    The block you have done is very nice

  12. Lovely block:)


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