Saturday, June 29, 2013

Tour de Fibre 2013–the prologue - and day 1

P1080689The prologue – picking the first focus projects :-)

P1080692Step 2 was to visit a quilt shop for Vitamin Q :-)
Kreative Ingema has moved her shop to the nearest little town, Flisa, and it is a nice store, sharing the shop with a knitting shop.
What is better than to do quilt shop shopping with a dear friend ?



Here is my catch – 6 x 30 cm + 1 meter of the flowery rose fabric. Yes, I do like spots :-)

P1080695This is what I have been working on today. The flowers are made over a long period of time and I have started joining the blocks with a red “sashing” of diamonds.
I have also decided on where this project is going and I do need 9 more blocks – and some half blocks.


Cat approved by Rusken, May Britt’s cat!

May Britt and I are having a good time together – sewing, chatting, watching the Tour on TV, and now, in the evening enjoying a good glass of red.
I have been so looking forward to the Tour de Fibre start, and I have also been looking very much forward to spend quality time with May Britt :-)

This year, we are expanding our Tour de Fibre to Facebook too, so if you are on FB, you are welcome to join the group with us. We are chatting and egging each other on doing projects.

Stay tuned both here and there for more Tour de Fibre fun!




  1. Now back to sewing Hanne! Having a great time together with you this weekend.

  2. I'm not on FB but will be happy to join your Tour de Fibre again in the blog world. Have a great time sewing with May Britt this weekend!

  3. I love watching your progress through Tdf. Have fun together.

  4. Lykke til med TdF 2013 :)) I år følger jeg med fra sidelinjen!

  5. Lykke til! Dette er mye mer spennende en Tour på sykkel :-)

  6. Hei!! Jeg skjønte ikke helt det med tour de fiber !?:-) det hender jeg ser en innspurt, men interessen for sykling er vel litt laber. Men folk nær meg kan sitte timer....... Stilig å dra til Flisa for å kjøpe stoff!! Er den verdt en utflukt?? Jeg er jo også glad i slike ting:-)) jeg syr også over papp om dagen, det er så praktisk!! God 1, juli!! Anne Kari:-)

  7. I'll enjoy watching from afar. My Facebook is very private. Aside from that I believe the Americans are a bad stain on the Tour.


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