Saturday, June 08, 2013

Ufo focus :-)


Yes – I do have Ufos, but I do not like to count them – I like to count my finishes!
I never take photos January 1st and promise to finish all, or something like that.

Lately I have been taking inventory on a lot of things, including my Ufos and all my quilt fabrics and notions.
Ufos are like cold coffee re-heated ~ tastes like coffee, but not half as good!
I need to shrink my Ufo collection again!

The piles above are all my Ufos in different stages of finished, and below are my 4 quilt tops ready to be quilted – 2 yellow tops and 1 brown top for care quilts, and the front quilt top for me.

That’s all folks – nothing more hid in closets or drawers !


In my head I feel I need more space around me in my Quilt Corner and in the room called the Sewing Box (it is quite full).
It is soon Tour de Fibre 2013 too – I am preparing myself :-)
Will you join in the fun too?


This is my current short list of Ufos – ready to be finished shortly:
2 table runners
2 cushions
1 table topper
and 1 secret so far ;-)

Stay tuned for updates!

keep calm and quilt like mad



  1. Not so many :) I'll join you in this. Will blog later today. And this can be one of our TdF finish UFO's.

  2. Du har nå en beskjeden liten bunke med ufo'er.....

  3. Så flink du er Hanne!! Jeg pleier å kalle det ferdigstillelsesprosess........ Ikke begynne på noe nytt før jeg har gjort noe ferdig!! En skjelden gang får jeg det til......Fortsatt fin helg!! AnneKari:-)

  4. Syntes slettest ikke det var så mye jeg da...
    Og med det tempoet du holder, så jo dette gjort i en fei...

    Må nok gå inn å klappe litt på ufo-bunken minm jeg også nå....bare så de ikke føler seg helt glemt...;-)


  5. I was just reading a bit about your Tour de Fibre on May Britt's blog. I want to join in! Last year I participated in the Tour de Fleece through Ravelry - spinning new yarn throughout the tour. Since I'm back to quilting this year, I like the idea of something quilty while I watch the tour much better. Please tell me where I can find the details!

  6. Hanne! You hardly have enough UFOs to even talk about. Come over to California and see MY closet. Um...I guess maybe I should do something with all of those UFO's, eh? Looking forward to seeing your progress on the Tour de Fiber.

  7. Ygour UFO stash is not too bad, you'll make it - I'm shure

  8. I'm too scared to even see how many ufo's I've got hiding around my house, maybe in my week off work coming up I'll brave it and write down what I need to finish off. Good luck with finishing off your ufo's :) Barb.

  9. I remember you from MANY years ago, when you first started finishing your UFOs. You wrote me an encouraging email and I reread it frequently. Unfortunately, I haven't made so much progress on mine. Glad to see that someone is able to maintain some control. Your stack looks pretty small.

  10. Jada... Fint å bli minnet på hvor jeg skal sette fokus når jeg om halvannen uke er fint ferdig med jobben. Jeg tør ikke vise NOEN arbeidsrommet mitt! Ha en super søndag!

  11. Goodness, I wish my UFO list was so short. My bee is having a UFO challenge this summer so I'm hoping it will challenge me to get a few things done. :-)

  12. Ok, so you've come out of the closet! lol When I first started to blog way back in 2007, I had joined Stashbusters and decided to finish 10 projects. That meant I had to take an inventory of my UFOs. I was shocked! When I blogged about it (I think I had 25 at the time) one lady said that I was just a baby in the UFO department. I think she said she had close to a 100 and the list kept growing! lol Enjoy working on your UFO projects!


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