Monday, August 26, 2013

Priority projects this week :-)

Happy Monday to all :-)

You know I do love Mondays?
Yes, I do - they are like white paper and new crayons, the start of a new week with new possibilities and new challenges of all kinds.

This week I have decided to give these 5 projects my attention:
A 9-patch lap quilt - I want the top done and I need the box for something else.
A summer dress for my upcoming vacation.
A finished stitchery waiting to be part of something.
Some hand piecing for quiet mornings.
The Cornelian quilt - I want to start it NOW :-)


  1. Time is going to fly so fast until saturday :) Looking forward to see your new summerdress.

  2. Good luck with your goals this week....but which beautiful project will you work on first? Lovely fabric for your dress.

  3. Hei!! Du blir ikke arbeidsledig med det første!! Fine ting!! Jeg klør også i fingrene med å starte med noe nytt. Men jeg har vel egentlig noen ufoer også.......Anne Kari:-)

  4. sounds like you have a busy week planned


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Wishing you a wonderful day, wherever you are!