Sunday, February 23, 2014

Busy week


A finish, an Olympic Gold medal in the Quilt Corner!
An Angels Story quilt is finally done, and I love the finished quilt.

If you are on the outlook for the book An Angels Story  by Anni Downs here in Norway, I know the shop Quiltefryd in Tønsberg has it in stock.
Just give them a call – I know they ship very fast.

In case you did not know, Anni Downs is coming to Norway 8. May, giving a one day class and a lecture in Oslo.
If you want more specifics, give Kathrines Quilte Stue a call.

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Sometimes the very best laid plans in Quilt Corner are interfered by speed bumps in life,
and it has been like that around here for the last week and a half.

I am hoping for better times ahead – keep your fingers crossed for that, please :-)



I did this quilt Quilt-As-You-Go style, which made it manageable to do it on my own sewing machine.



First I quilted all 4 sections.


Next I joined 2 and 2 sections.


This specific quilt has a little “quirk” in the final joining process that does not lend it to quilt as you go just like that, but I though I could do it anyway – yes, I am stubborn ;-)
Check the diagram below, which gives the “hole” above.



I will share my work-around with you, so you can do it too :-)


First, with a fine scissors, cut back the excess batting in the “hole”. I cut back as much as I could. Next – the 5 by 2 square piece had the seam allowance folded in and I appliqued it in place.


Once the applique is done it will not show!
I use Superior Bottom Line very fine thread.


Here is the hole from the back side of the quilt after the front applique is done.
Next I cut a piece of cotton batting a little bigger than the front applique and I fold backing fabric around the edges, pinned it in place and appliqued it in place.
I do use thin cotton batting – so a little overlap does not make any difference.



There are always some threads to trim, even when you think you are all done.




I guess you have had some strange requests over the years too,
if you are in to sewing or crafts.
No, I do not do curtains or men’s jackets or things like that anymore.

I could not turn this one down though – a friend needed a dozen of covers for under-arm-crutches, from white fake leather, with Velcro closings.

He was happy with the result!


After having worked with the big quilt, a little lace crochet was nice to do as a small Olympic Gold medal, and now I am all prepared for a birthday gift for someone special in a few months.


believe in yourself



  1. what a great job you did on quilt as you go. I have thought to try this method but have not done so - I really need to do this though next time I try a machine quilting project.

  2. Congratulations with gold. No gold medals for me this olympic, but I got some silver medals in good progress on my projects. Love your angel quilt and know this one is on my finishing list now. Just have to buy some batting.

  3. Hei!Gratulera med GULLMEDALJE til deg også.Nydelig arbeid,som eg aldri kunne ha startet på.Hadde aldri blitt ferdig.Mønsteret kunne eg godt ha kjøpt,men da hadde teppet blitt delt opp i ulike ting av det igjen.Ha en fin uke Beste hilsen Quiltegleder Margrethe

  4. da hast du einen ganz wundervollen quilt gemacht mit soviel arbeit und liebe. ist toll geworden.
    noch einen schönen sonntag
    llg elfriede

  5. GREAT job, Hanne! *Ü*
    Your Angels Srory Quilt is so cute and lovely...
    I do hope your coming week will be quieter, as you wish.


  6. Congratulations Hanne! You certainly won gold with that beautiful quilt!! I love the crocheted handkerchief too! Very, very pretty! :)

  7. Teppet ble helt nydelig. Godt å ha håndarbeid når det er så mye fin idrett på tv. Synd det er ferdig.
    Ha en fortryllende uke:-)

  8. Your angel quilt is beautiful!

  9. Du å du, FOR et nydelig teppe!! Fortjener virkelig gullmedalje for dette arbeidet! :-) Krysser både fingre og tær for bedre dager framover!! ♥

  10. Congratulations with the gold medal! Your angel story quilt is really beautiful!!

  11. Hi Hanne, great job!!

  12. Well done! I have finished two quilts during the games.

  13. Congratulations, it's beautiful. Lovely in the blues.

  14. Your quilt looks fantastic, very beautiful. That was very clever of you to work around the problem of quilt as you go, well worth the effort.

  15. Absolutely beautiful finish Hanne.

    Best wishes for smooth sailing ahead

  16. what a beautiful quilt, trust you will show it to Ani when you attend her workshop. It must be very hard to put it together when you quilt as you go you have done a fab job

  17. Clever you!!! The end result is awesome! I have that quilt pattern and plan to start it this year but I don't think I could quilt as you go like you have done it. Waaaaay to brainy for me. Love the hanky.

  18. Your quilt is soooo lovely, sweet, cute! Charming colours!


  19. You definitely should get a gold medal for that finish. It is beautiful

  20. your angels story is gorgeous.........congrats on your finish...........

  21. Beautiful finish! Thank you for sharing how you finished it all up.

  22. Anonymous12:18 pm

    Hanne, Your Angel Story looks great in blue. Hope you get to go to Anni's class. You will enjoy it. She is a lovely young woman. I have been to one of her classes here in Australia.


  23. Congratulations!! What a wonderful quilt! Great work :))

  24. Dette teppet er bare utrolig vakkert. Det var morro å se din versjon.
    Og jeg har forlengst sikret meg boken, så en dag..... Gleder meg!!


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Wishing you a wonderful day, wherever you are!