Monday, August 01, 2016

This summer's focus project


This project, United Stitches, by Rosalie Quinlan, has been a focus project for some time.
I do, as you know, enjoy having a focus project that I can move forward over a period of time - a project that I can enjoy with my morning coffee.

Since Quilt Corner has been down for renovation in real life for a while, it has also been good to have a project that can easily be carried around the house, no sewing machine needed.

Above are the first 12 blocks - below are the next 7 blocks.
Now there are 13 more blocks to go.








My goal is to have all the 32 stitcheries finished by the end of 2016 - I can do it!

set goals
Wishing you a lovely day
wherever  you are



  1. You are making so many things now. Love your stitcheries. So cheery. Glad to see that you are feeling better.

  2. hallo hannne,
    das sind ja wieder wunderchöne gestickte blöcke. denke das macht viel spass sie zu machen und sicher werden sie bis ende 2016 fertig.
    viel spass beim weitersticken und noch viele schöne sommertage
    lg elfriede

  3. So very pretty! You must be so excited with your renovated space!

  4. Nydelig arbeid som vanlig :)
    Fortsatt god sommer!!!

  5. Your stitcheries are beautiful - I love also the choosen colours! Years ago, I visited a short lesson from Lynette Anderson in Oslo - you gave me then your blog-adresse and since then, I'm
    reading regularely about your work - I love to see, what you are sewing and knitting - such a lot of great quilts an other works! Tank you very much for showing to us!


Thank you for visiting my blog :-)
Your lovely comments are very much appreciated.
Wishing you a wonderful day, wherever you are!